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The Team

In addition to individual specialisations, all of our team have undergone training in preparation and presentation of evidence at Oral Hearings and most have extensive experience of this – as well as negotiations with An Bord Pleanála for SID projects. All are active members of their relevant professional institutes and are also involved in third level education and research on their topics.


On a case-by-case basis, our in-house professional staff are augmented by retaining external specialists in areas such as hydrology, hydrogeology, climate & air quality, noise, building conservation, archaeology, specialised ecological disciplines, photomontage preparation and law (planning and environmental).  Through regular contact we can engage these specialists quickly and brief them efficiently.  This ensures that we can draw on the skills and expertise of leading practitioners in a time and cost effective manner.

Address: 1st Floor, 24 -26 Ormond Quay Upper, D07 DAVG9 Email:


©2023 by CAAS Ltd

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